My Envy Box November 2016
You might have noticed that I always post My Envy Box reviews pretty late. The reason behind this is that I actually prefer using the products in the box and then writing a review rather than writing a post without being able to give you my verdict. So after two weeks of using some of these products, here's my review of the November Envy Box.
So the November box is called the Handmade edition as it contains all handmade products that are organic and chemical free. Another great part is that they are all full sized products! The downside? None of them are by well known prestige or premium brands. I've tried a few of the products let me tell you about those.
You can see the three winners in the box for me below. I love The Green Meadow Lip Butter which is an organic lip balm made of nourishing ingredients like beeswax, mango butter, coconut oil, almond oil and smells like a vanilla scented candle. It's free of artificial flavor, fragrance, preservatives, parabens and sugar. The texture is thick and waxy and a little bit goes a long way. This is a great product for winter and does a good job to keep lips moisturized. Its priced a bit steep at (Rs 400 for 14gm) but I like it because it does its job well.
Next up is is the Cane Sugar with Kokum butter Lip Scrub by Vert. This scrub is enriched with the goodness of beeswax, olive Oil, almond Oil, kokum butter, white sugar and cocoa powder which makes it almost good to eat. It's 100% vegetarian, natural and preservative free. It does a great job with exfoliating lips and heck, I even used it all over my face. Its a really nice product but again priced quite steep for the quantity (Rs 450 for 10gm)
Then there's the Neemli Naturals Shea Butter Body Polish, a body scrub that combines raw organic sugar, shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil with essential oils of rose, sandalwood, geranium and lemon which make it fabulous for skin. It smells amazing and leaves skin soft and exfoliated. But yet again, I think it's priced quite steep (Rs 900 for 50gm) And being a body product, you need quite a bit to cover all of yourself with this so it would be better if they jars in bigger sizes available.
What I haven't used yet is the Aerth Naturals Hair Protein Pack with Spiked Ginger Lily and Soybean. I've read reviews that it smells awful but does a good job. I haven't had the time to use it but will try it soon as I'm a sucker for hair products and am obsessed with my hair!
The other product I didn't try is the Fuschia Verve Face Mask - Kiwi & Asparagus. I'm not a big fan of face masks because I'm lazy and somehow feel that effects of masks are very temporary. However, that is my personal opinion and I've read really positive reviews about the product so it seems promising.
Overall, this month's box had a bunch of good products which are really good for skincare and the total price of these is way more than what the box costs so it is a great purchase. I've been a fan of My Envy Box for a long long time now and totally recommend you to subscribe to it!