myDaily Meal Review

How many of you are guilty of skipping meals? I'm sure quite a few of you are. Skipping breakfast especially common among working professionals and college students as you're in a hurry to get to office or college. Then there are times when you're hungry while you're traveling or there's no food at home and you feel too lazy to cook food. Can you relate to these situations? I sure can. At times like these we either starve ourselves or munch on junk food but thankfully now we've got myDailyMeal to the rescue! myDaily Meal is a perfectly engineered meal replacement shake that provides exact nutrients including Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals, Vitamins and Fiber as required by your body in 1 meal. This shake gives your body perfect nutrition in just a minute. This product has been created by the team behind the Four Fountains De-stress Spa because of the lack of a product like this in the Indian market. 

“myDaily started as a project to solve the problem of quick, convenient and healthy meal in our busy urban schedules. As entrepreneurs, we as well as people around us, were struggling to get the right nutrition in our tight schedules. And very quickly we realized that it is a problem faced by people well beyond the start-up world. Almost any working professional in today’s fast paced life has to face this problem multiple times in a week”, said Saurabh Garg, co-founder and business head behind the product .

The single guiding principle behind the product is that it should be the healthiest meal possible and should replace any meal completely giving entire nutrition as required by the body. It took their team more than a year to get the product right as they started with researching all 334 pages of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) by the Indian Council of Medical Research. This was followed by hundreds of tasting sessions so the product tastes good along with providing nutrition. Each pack of myDaily has ¼th of your daily nutrition requirements including energy, proteins, carbs, fats, fiber, 12 essential vitamins and 13 important minerals. It has no added preservatives, artificial colors and is completely transfat free. myDaily is prepared using ingredients of natural origin. All the ingredients contained in the formula are essential nutrients needed by the body on daily basis. These ingredients are deemed safe by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and are not known to cause any side effects.

myDaily meal is available in three flavors - Neutral (which tastes a lot like a very mildly sweet besan laddoo to me), Vanilla (my favorite of the lot!) and chocolate. It is available in a 115g pouch and needs to be mixed with 350ml water and the perfect meal is ready in less than 1 min. I quite liked the product and think it's a fantastic concept. The best part is it's pretty filling and keeps you full for a few hours. If you travel frequently or skip meals regularly because of your busy schedule, I recommend you to stock up with myDaily meal as it can be the perfect solution for your hunger pangs! Presently, you can order it online here. Subsequently, the product will be available at all Four Fountains outlets, select modern trade outlets and other online marketplaces.