Ellen Panda PM 12 Blue & PM 14 Violet Lenses Review | Klenspop.com
I never thought I'd be able to carry off violet or blue lenses without looking freaky but that was till I discovered the Ellen Panda range from Klenspop. Klenspop is a leading online circle lens store based in Korea that offers more than 300 different designs of circle lenses, accessories for contact lenses, cosmetics and beauty products at very affordable prices. Their service is really great and shipping is super fast too. Their packaging deserves a special mention as each pair of lenses comes in a super cute pop art inspired box with a free transparent lens case, tweezers to remove the lenses from the vials and a manual for those who are new to wearing circle lenses. Oh and by the way I've reviewed Bunny Color Brown lenses and Bunny 3 Color Gray lenses from Klenspop on my blog earlier!
Both lenses are very comfortable and I can wear them for long hours! I actually wear the purple ones to work pretty often because they're subtle and I feel like a superhero with purple eyes! And love the fact that I don't face any discomfort even though I'm in front of a computer screen for over 8 hours wearing these.
Ellen Panda PM 12 Blue
When blended with my super dark brown eyes, these lenses form a shade of dark blue which is not very striking yet pretty noticeable. These lenses are a blend of black and blue with a thin black ring on the outer corner. I've taken pictures in both natural light and sunlight so you can see the effect of the color.
Diameter - 14mm
Water Content - 38%
Base Curve - 8.6mm
Life Span — 6 months
Power — All except -0.25 & -0.75
Origin — Korea
You can buy it here
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Ellen Panda PM Violet 14
The first thing I thought when I saw the purple lenses is that I would look hilarious with purple eyes. But to my pleasant surprise they look pretty alright and I don't look like an alien or cosplayer. The color is not very visible at first, so it’s not made for people who expect a perceivable violet which makes it wearable for daily use. They look very natural in artificial light too.
Diameter - 14mm
Water Content - 38%
Base Curve - 8.6mm
Life Span — 6 months
Power — All excpet -0.25 & -0.75
Origin — Korea
You can buy it here
Overall, I think both the lenses are great as they colors are pretty subtle and they're super comfortable. Make sure you check out Klenspop if you're looking for colored circle lenses!
Overall, I think both the lenses are great as they colors are pretty subtle and they're super comfortable. Make sure you check out Klenspop if you're looking for colored circle lenses!