Happiness Boutique - Statement Jewelry

I rarely wear jewelry but am trying to make a conscious effort and change that and that's exactly when I was contacted by Happiness Boutique, an online store based in Berlin that stocks fabulous statement jewelry and vintage inspired clothing. They have a wide range of stunning necklaces and eye catching earrings and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted. I finally zeroed on this luxurious, elegant and finely crafted Glam Statement Necklace as it has a royal and vintage look and can make any outfit look fabulous. The best part is that it can be worn with traditional Indian clothing too. It arrived when I was on holiday in Bali, so when I finally got home, I was pleasantly surprised to open the package and find a handwritten note along with the necklace! How sweet is that? This adorable gesture definitely made me happy!

Necklace - Happiness Boutique
Happy Selfie
If you love statement jewelry, you just have to check out Happiness Boutique! They have free shipping worldwide along with a 60 day return policy. To top that, they have a fantastic customer reward program which makes shopping from them perfect for all you jewelry lovers out there. 

Photography - Akshat Bhatnagar