Outfit - Two Bags One Dress
As a lover of quirky bags, I recently got this adorable cat shaped bag from Milanoo and a book shaped one from Blackfive. I paired both with this beautiful white lace dress from Milanoo to give you two different looks!
My dear friend Saloni, who you've seen in this post, was in town for a few days all the way from Auckland, so we met up after a long six months to catch up and that's when we clicked these photos.
Dress- Milanoo
Cat Bag - Milanoo
Book Bag - Blackfive
I have always been a big fan of Milanoo's service as the last time I got a pair of shorts from them, they had packed it neatly in a box and this time, my package arrived with a thank you note and a complimentary screen cleaning wipe so they get full points for presentation. Little gestures like this definitely make a difference, don't they? How do you like my outfit? Which bag do you prefer?
UPDATE : I was stupid enough to leave the gorgeous black book shaped bag in the backseat of my car this weekend outside a restaurant super late at night while I dined, and an evil soul broke my car's window and stole it and ransacked the contents of my car too. There was barely any money in it and my cellphone was with me thankfully, but that stupid piece of shit didn't bother to check the contents of the purse and took it with them :( The only thing I really loved besides the bag was my favorite lipstick which was in there too. And I just got both like a month ago and had barely used the lipstick :( Anyway, Karma is a bitch so whoever stole my bag, will get ass fucked by a cactus. Sorry for the bad language but its about time you all knew that I'm very foul mouthed when I'm mad!!