Swap Your Style With SwapZaar

When I was younger and was into wearing tiny bodycon dresses (we all have that phase, don't we?) and was bored of them, this is what my thought process was -

Not saying that I ever dressed like a 90s slut (it was more like strapless and one shouldered dresses and tops) but I did have a lot of club wear in great condition that I was bored of and didn't want anymore.  The tradition in India is to either pass on your “fashionable” clothes to younger siblings or to the “maid's daughter” depending on their price. But what to do if you are just bored of high fashion items that are in perfect shape and practically useless for giving away? 

As fashion lovers and shopping addicts, we've all got clothing and accessories we've never worn or not worn for ages, just sitting in our closets because they're to precious too donate. I'm sure you'll agree with me that we all have ended up buying things on an impulse only to wear them once before stashing them to the back of our closets, never to wear them again. In the US and Europe, one can find vintage and thrift stores along with flea markets along with swapping and swishing parties. However, we never had anything in India of this sort. That is, until now!  

Presenting, SwapZaar - India’'s first FREE online fashion swap site where one can trade fashion and lifestyle items using virtual currency. Swapzaar a dedicated fashion re-commerce website in India, which operates almost entirely using store-credits, which means you can put up your gently used pre-owned fashion items for sale and monetize your closet earning credits which can be saved and later encashed. You can also buy stuff using the same credits. Moreover, if you are the creative sorts and a DIY enthusiast, you can also showcase your cool and kitschy stuff through their site. 
Swapping is awesome because its a win-win situation for both parties. It’s like shopping without the spending. One just needs to sign up using their email id or facebook account. The site is easy to navigate with the SwapZone button which takes you to the list of items on sale listed by category and subcategory. Selling your own items is very simple, all you need to do is add a photograph and fill in item details. 
I've already uploaded lots of items from my wardrobe that are as good as new, but are lying unworn and can't wait to see products I can swap them with. The site has just been launched and is growing at a fast rate so there will be lots of amazing pre-owned goodies for us in store.

 How do you declutter your closet? Do you have something like this in your country?