iFairy Moe Moe Brown Circle Lens Review | LensVillage.com

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you might know by now that I have really poor eyesight and cannot live without lenses! I wear transparent ones when I'm out and glasses at home but am very fond of colored lenses as they are the easiest way to effortlessly transform your look.

I also love Gyaru makeup and cosplay but I struggle to wear fake lashes and my make up skills aren't that great either. So I just stick to circle lenses to make my eyes look bigger!

I recently got a pair of really nice lenses from Lens Village, a Korean Circle Lens Online store that offers 100% authentic brands, and loads of different colors and styles to choose from. They ship worldwide, and offer free shipping on orders over $50. And they also sent me this cute animal lens case!

Check out this cute animal lens case

As I have really dark and small eyes, I was looking for a dramatic brown blend that would provide good enlargement so I chose i.Fairy Moe Moe Brown Lens by Vassen. As you can see, they definitely suit the purpose!

As you can see, the enlargement effect is amazing and my eyes definitely look brighter and bigger!

iFairy Moe Moe Brown - with and without

iFairy Moe Moe Brown in natural light indoors

The color of these lenses is also pretty unique as they have a yellow-green tint  Their outline is also pretty subtle which makes them look more natural. 

The best part about these lenses is that they're incredibly comfortable thanks to the 55 percent water content. I've always had a dry and burning eye issue withing the first 3-4 hours of wearing any circle lenses, but these felt fine even 8 hours later.

iFairy Moe Moe Brown Close-up

Here is a shot of me wearing them in natural light outdoors and as you can see, once I smile, you can't really see much of my eyes but these lenses sure make them pop!

iFairy Moe Moe Brown outdoors in natural light


Item Name: Princess Eyes Cosmo Honey
Diameter: 16.2 mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Water Content: 55%
Life Span: 1 year
Price: USD 22.00
Approved by: KFDA

What do you think of these lenses on me? Check out Lensvillage for more amazing colored circle lenses!