The ABC's of Happiness

B : Be Yourself
C : Create something exciting
D : Drink / Dance or Dance Drunk
E : Eat lots of chocoloate or chilly
F : Feel the wind ( try getting yourself on a bike or shove your head out of car window like a doggie )
Fear nothing
G : Get creative... Get a pet .... Give
H : Hug often.... Help others

( when you're alone )
J : Jump and hop once in a while ( Don't you think its adorable when kids do it? )
K : Keep looking forward to amazing experiences of life .... Kiss a loved one.
L : Laugh
Love ♥
M : Meditate.... Make friends.
There are lots of lovely people in the world.
N : Never underestimate yourself
O : Observe beauty.....
Be Openhearted
P : Pray .....
Play something
Q : Quit negative thinking
R: Read.... Relax.... Reinvent yourself
S : Smile a lot ..... Simplify your mind
Scream occasionally (its fun)
T : Talk a lot ( Being quiet is mysterious but boring too )
U : Unleash your creativity..... Unleash your strengths
V : Vizualize your dream ..... Vent out your frustrations
W : Walk... Write... Watch the sunset
X : Xerox all the attributes you love about yourself or others
Y : Your life is in your hands Yell for fun :)
Z : Zap negativity